
CLICK HERE for information about my "Underground Manhattan" subway tour.


If you are on this page, this means you have purchased through Amazon Local Deals a voucher for my "Underground Manhattan" tour.  So thank you for your interest in this tour.  This tour only explores the areas of the system that are open to the public but in most cases overlooked.  We do not go into the tunnels or any area that is not open to the public.  Amazon and their vast legal team would frown upon the idea of people, on a tour that was sold through them, getting arrested, injured or killed.  Here are the logistics and schedule for the tour.

On the Sundays that this tour runs, we will meet at 12:00PM in the area in between the front of the Alexander Hamilton Customs House / The Museum of the American Indian and Bowling Green Park.  I will obviously be there before noon and I will have a list of everyone who has been confirmed for that day.  I cannot foresee what I will be wearing but I will have my New York City Sightseeing Guide License plainly visible. 

The tour is approximately 2 and 1/2 hours. The reason I say “approximately” is there are factors such as the whims of the subway system that I have no control of.  And since I encourage it, questions I receive can take up time.  This is a tour for you, not me so if you have any questions, do not be shy – ask.  Other factors include the speed at which the group moves, latecomers, etc.  These are things that I have no control over but I will try to keep the tour within the 2 and 1/2 hour window. 

We will enter the system at Bowling Green then proceed uptown.  We will stop at Brooklyn Bridge and then board a downtown local train so as to view the old City Hall Station.  We will be stopping at Astor Place and Grand Central station.  We will switch to the Times Square  - Grand Central Shuttle and then go over to Times Square. After that we will go over back over to Grand Central Terminal.  We will exit the system at this point.  We will also go outside to discuss the exterior of the Terminal.  This is also the final stop on this tour. 

Response to this tour has been unexpectedly overwhelming.  I want to keep the groups small, I try to have no more than 15 people per tour.  There are exceptions of course but with a smaller group you will get more out of it.  Given this, I put people on a tour on a first email first served basis.  So pick the day and then email me immediately at, INCLUDING THE VOUCHER NUMBER, and I will confirm your spot on a tour (unless of course it is sold out).  As per the Amazon Agreement, the Merchant (me) has the right to cancel with 24 hours notice.  The only reasons this could happen would be due to illness, hurricane or below a minimum number of people on a tour. Obviously if we have another Super Storm Sandy situation, we would not go out on a tour. 


Next Available Tour Is
July 27th, 2014 
At Noon

 All tours in June and early July are sold out

As per Amazon, if your voucher has expired, the paid value of the voucher is good towards the purchase of the tour.  In order to redeem the voucher you will have to add on to the value of the voucher.  Pick your desired tour date then email with your voucher number.  After confirmation from me you will have 48 hours to make the payment.  Please include with your payment in the "instructions" section, the name under which the voucher was purchased along with your voucher number.  If I have not received an email from PayPal within 48 hours I will have to cancel the reservation.  So . . .
if your voucher has expired you must click on the "Buy The Tour" tab.  Just follow the instructions there for payment. 

If you need to cancel, please let me know as soon as possible.  There is, in some cases a waiting list for certain days.  This tour does get sold out and I have had to say no to people. Given this, I need 24 hour notice, based on the time the tour starts (Noon) and when the email arrives in my mailbox. In other words, by Noon on the Saturday prior to the tour.  If you cancel a tour, you have to go back and pick another available day.  Cancellations within 24 hour period prior to the tour will cancel your voucher, it is the same as not showing up for the tour.  Conversely, not showing up for the tour is the same as cancelling.  
You will be allowed only 2 cancellations / rescheduling per voucher. 



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